Kate Borelli

Join SRI Education at AERA 2022!

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI Education researchers are excited share their work at the 2022 American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting from APRIL 21-26, 2022 in San Diego, CA. Our work covers a range of topics: early childhood learning and development, disability and inclusion, multilingual learners, student behavior and well-being, teaching quality, digital learning, STEM and computer science, school and district reform, literacy and language arts, and college and career pathways.

Spring Conference Season | The Latest News From SRI Education | March 2022

Authors : Kate Borelli

This month, we highlight SRI Education’s participation in recent, current, and upcoming conferences. We’re excited to share our work on topics ranging from artificial intelligence and STEM and computer science research to promoting students’ well-being and successful transitions and improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

SRI Education: Improving outcomes for students with disabilities

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI has a long history of innovation and excellence in supporting the education of students with disabilities. Our ground-breaking research projects provided the first large-scale, longitudinal documentation of students with disabilities’ experiences in school.

Artificial Intelligence and Education | The Latest News | January 2022

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI Education develops and evaluates the effectiveness of programs and tools that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to improve learning experiences and outcomes for PreK–16 students. These innovations are not intended to replace adults, but rather to strengthen the connections between children, adults, and learning content. Below, we highlight a range of projects underway.

What has special education in California looked like the past ten years?

Authors : Kate Borelli

The Inclusion in California Early Learning and Care study released a Data Snapshot Summarizing key findings on children ages 3 through 5 years with disabilities in subsidized care in California. The data are from the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) from 2015 to 2019.

Trauma-Informed Care and Support | The Latest News | November 2021

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI Education researchers investigate schoolwide, classroom, group-based, and individualized programs from preK through post-secondary that support children and educators who experience trauma and promote the use of evidence-based and effective strategies through dissemination and technical assistance.

Shari Golan Talks About SRI Education

Authors : Kate Borelli

Shari Golan is the President of SRI Education in Menlo Park, CA. Join us as she explains how SRI Education works to reduce barriers, optimize outcomes, and ensure educational equity for all children, youth, and families by conducting high-quality research and evaluation of education programs and interventions, supporting use of data and evidence through training, technical assistance, and dissemination, and developing tools that improve teaching and accelerate and deepen learning.

New Research Center Aims to Address Inequities in Online Learning in College

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI and CCRC are partnering with Achieving the Dream, a national leader in championing evidence-based institutional improvement with a network of more than 300 colleges, and nine broad-access colleges to conduct research on how educational technology and instructional strategies can bolster students’ skills for managing their own learning.

SRI Education: Leading the Way in STEM & CS | The Latest News | July 2021

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI Education is at the forefront of integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and computer science education from preschool through 12th grade. We develop and evaluate innovative instructional materials and assessments, design and study professional development initiatives, and research STEM and CS learning in and out of school. We focus on equitable access to high-quality STEM learning resources and opportunities for students who are underrepresented in STEM education pathways and careers. This quarter’s newsletter highlights some of our STEM and CS work and new resources.

Molly of Denali teaches children to use informational text

Authors : Kate Borelli

Molly of Denali is a popular new PBS KIDS series focused on informational text. You’ve probably seen studies showing that high-quality media can teach children new information. Two new studies from EDC and SRI Education tell us something more: Well-designed media can also teach children how to get information.

Research infrastructure for 21st century STEM education

Authors : Kate Borelli

National attention is focused on the Biden administration’s $2 trillion proposal for infrastructure to support sustainable, broadly shared prosperity. A key question has arisen: What exactly counts as infrastructure? Is it only physical structures, such as roads, bridges, electric charging stations, and broadband? Or can it also encompass intangible foundations of a productive society, such as human capital and systems for providing care?

American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting 2021

Authors : Kate Borelli

Join us at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting April 8 – 12, 2021. Learn about our high quality and timely research and evidence based practices in multiple disciplines.

Society for Research in Child Development’s Biennial Meeting 2021

Authors : Kate Borelli

Don’t miss us at the SRCD’s Biennial Meeting, April 7 – 9, 2021 (virtual). Learn about our research on children’s science learning, middle school math and online homework, and digital media use for learning during COVID-19.

SRI Education & Innovation | The Latest News | March 2021

Authors : Kate Borelli

We are impacting the quality and validation of solutions and practices aimed to reduce or eliminate persistent educational challenges through 28 EIR and i3 grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Happy Holidays 2020

Authors : Kate Borelli

SRI Education wishes everyone Happy Holidays!