Using Data to Improve Early Childhood Equity

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How can states and territories leverage data to build stronger, more equitable systems for young children and families?

Howard Morrison, a national leader in early childhood education systems and data use, joins Kori Hamilton Biagas on The SRI Homeroom podcast to examine the challenges – and opportunities – facing America’s early care and education systems.

Discover some evidence-based strategies for effective systems-building and improvement and learn how organizations like the DaSy Center are using data to improve programs and outcomes in states across the country.

Download the DaSy Center’s new guide, The Data Inquiry Cycle.

Learn more about the DaSy Center and access the Center’s tools and resources.



  • Howard Morrison serves as Early Childhood Technical Assistance Specialist with SRI Education. Connect with Howard and learn more about his work on his SRI Education webpage.
  • Kori Hamilton Biagas serves as Communications Program Manager with SRI Education. Learn more about Kori’s work and connect with her through her SRI Education webpage.

Developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H373Z190002. The contents and resources do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers: Meredith Miceli and Amy Bae.


January 11, 2024


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