The 2024 SIGCSE Technical Symposium

AERA 2024SRI Education researchers are excited to share their work at the 2024 Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS), held from March 20-23 in Portland, Oregon.


Friday, March 22 from 10am to 12pm PT

Middle School CS Curriculum and Standards Alignment

SRI Authors: Satabdi Basu, Hui Yang, Arif Rachmatullah, and Carol Tate

In the early stages of K-12 Computer Science (CS) curriculum development, standards were not yet established, and the primary objective, especially in younger grades, was to sustain student engagement and spark students’ interest in CS. While this remains a vital goal, the development of the CS standards underscores the importance of curricula aligned with CS content standards, ensuring equitable CS education for all students. We map one common middle school CS curriculum to standards and find incomplete coverage of the standards, highlighting the need for curricula to specify which aspects of standards they align with.

Location: Exhibit Hall E – Posters

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Topics: Conferences