Join SRI Education at the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute

AERA 2024Researchers from the DaSy Center and INTECA will share findings, tools, and strategies at the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, held from May 7-9 in Chapel Hill, NC.


Thursday, May 9
    Presenters: Debbie Cate and Sally Shepard
    Researchers will present effective strategies to promote inclusion for young children with IEPs, explore essential data, engage key partners, understand influential policies, and utilize funding sources to devise actionable and impactful plans.

    Location: Windflower

    Presenters: Jennifer Tschantz, the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI), and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)
    Presenters will showcase a tool developed by the DaSy Center, NCPMI and ECTA aimed at tackling exclusionary discipline among young children with disabilities. Learn how this tool empowers states and local programs to collect, analyze, and utilize data to better understand and reduce disparities in discipline practices, especially among children of color with disabilities.

    Location: Bellflower

Wednesday, May 8

    Presenters: Sheresa Blanchard and Ryan Grimm
    The COVID-19 pandemic significantly shifted how professionals in early intervention and preschool special education conduct assessments. To adapt, the INTECA project team conducted extensive research—including interviews with administrators, practitioners, and families, alongside a detailed literature review and scans of professional organizations. Our findings led to the development of innovative tools and frameworks, enhancing the effective use of technology in assessments. Presenters will discuss what makes remote assessments successful, the challenges the team encountered, and offer practical recommendations for states and local programs looking to adopt this approach.

    Location: Bellflower

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